Tax classes in Germany: TL;DR
In nutshell; your tax class in Germany is more or less defined by your marital status. Depending on this, you will be put in different categories by the Finanzamt. This will help your employer apply the correct tax rate on your payslip, hence the name “Lohnsteuerklasse”. This impacts how much wage tax (“Lohnsteuerabzug”), solidarity contribution (“Solidaritätszuschlag”) and Church tax (“Kirchensteuer”) will be taken from your gross salary.
In other words, your net salary is directly related to your tax class in Germany.
There are 6 categories overall
Tax class | Marital status |
Steuerklasse 1 | You are single, widow(er), separated/divorced |
Steuerklasse 2 | You are a single parent |
Steuerklasse 3 | You are married with a higher income (than your partner in Steuerklasse 5) |
Steuerklasse 4 | You are married with both equivalent income |
Steuerklasse 5 | You are married with a lower income (than your partner in Steuerklasse 3) |
Steuerklasse 6 | The class used for additional jobs (Nebenjob or Zweitjob) |
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