
020 34587421

About us

Integrating enterprise management services to help small and medium sized enterprises grow

Guangzhou Oujia Business Consulting Company Ltd

Guangzhou Oujia Business Consulting Company Ltd is a German professional business investment consultant company registered in Würzburg, Germany. Headquartered in Würzburg, Germany, it has branches in Guangzhou, China. It is an authority specializing in Chinese business investment. Sexual business investment management consulting organization, adhering to the virtue of the first, integrity-based; philosophy, focus on providing the best package of optimal investment solutions for investors such as Sino-German bilateral business investment immigration. EUTRACON GmbH is an intern-optimized team of Chinese and German business partners. It has a team of senior consultants in business, immigration, taxation, law, finance, business secretarial, etc., specializing in the establishment of clients from companies and companies. Investors in all matters related to Germany, including legal affairs, taxation, immigration, corporate investment, technology and product introduction, corporate cooperation and acquisition, immigration and education, education exchange and so on. Entrepreneurs and investors, your ideas, we provide assistance and docking. This is the responsibility of EUTRACON GmbH Germany.

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