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Work in Germany: Guide for Foreign Job Seekers ( Part 4)

Jobseeker’s Visa for Germany
University graduates from countries that do not have a visa-free regime with Germany may apply for a jobseeker’s visa at the nearest German consulate or embassy. This visa is issued for six months. Besides a valid passport, other required documents for issuing a visa include a university degree, CV, letter of motivation and a travel insurance policy. Applicants must also prove that they can support themselves financially for six months as they will not be allowed to take up any employment in Germany during their stay on a jobseeker’s visa.

Latest Projects Aimed at Attracting Foreign Skilled Labour
In 2014, the Germany’s Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs launched a project dubbed “The Job of my Life” aimed at attracting young people aged 18-27 from other EU/EEA countries to come for vocational in-company training to Germany. The goal of this project is to help young people from those EEA countries that are plagued by high unemployment (e.g., Spain) find a job in Germany and thus secure skilled labour for the German economy. 

Recognition of Occupational Qualifications

It is very likely that foreign job applicants will at some point in time need to have their professional qualifications obtained outside of Germany compared with the German equivalents in order to be recognized in Germany. That is, they will be issued a Statement of Comparability. Some professions in Germany, such as medical specialists or lawyers, are regulated and recognition is necessary. For many others it is not required but helpful. Smooth recognition of school certificates and university degrees can be expected if these were issued in another EU/EEA country or a country that is a signatory of the Bologna Process. In any case, expect to pay several hundred Euros for this process. For more information check out the information portal of the German government for recognition of foreign professional qualifications and the Anabin database.

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