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Border control: After Austria, the Czech Republic also opened the border to Germans

Germany and neighboring countries hope to gradually relax the border controls that existed due to the New Corona Virus pandemic: they will be gradually opened on May 16-the control will finally end on June 15.

By the end of June, all entry restrictions imposed by the New Corona Virus pandemic will become the history of the European Union: Just as Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) held a video conference with his EU colleagues on Friday, June 5 As stated later, "The Schengen area will completely restore freedom of movement."

Therefore, the broad entry ban on people from third countries should be extended for two weeks until July 1. The European Commission will make recommendations on this next week.

To slow down the spread of coronavirus, Germany ordered border control in mid-March. Since May 16, they have gradually relaxed.

The EU hopes that border control will end at the end of June
EU Interior Commissioner Ylva Johansson hopes that the EU will implement corona-based border control by the end of this month. The Swede wrote at the beginning of a video broadcast on Twitters by the EU’s interior minister on Friday that restrictions on the internal borders of the international community should be lifted as soon as possible, preferably before the end of June. Ministers hope to coordinate their approach in the review.

In the next few weeks, several countries hope to gradually withdraw the control measures introduced during the corona crisis. In any case, Germany’s restrictions and controls on the borders with France, Denmark, Switzerland and Austria should continue until the middle of the month. Of these countries, only those who are currently working in Germany, visiting relatives or looking for a second home can come from these countries. Currently, this also applies to entry by plane from Italy or Spain.

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) is working to remove internal border controls by June 15. Other countries such as Italy and Austria are doing more research. The Schengen area actually has no fixed border control, which is the area to which 26 European countries belong.

You can find more information on the website of the German Ministry of the Interior.

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