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Some things to be clear and implemented regarding the registration of German companies and trademarks (Part 1)

1. For German registered company materials, can a single Chinese citizen register a German company and trademark? What are the legal risks faced by a German joint venture to register a German company? Are the laws of German companies such as company law and tax law similar to China?

Answer: Yes. If you find a German joint venture, there is of course no risk in law. All are legal operations. Only in actual operation, if a German company makes money, will there be a conflict of interest when the money is split? You need to measure yourself.

China's company law and tax law refer to the European system. The most important point of German tax law is that the basis of tax collection is the net profit.
2. After registering a German company and a German trademark, there are the following operating methods in mainland China. Is this possible? What are the legal issues and tax risks? Can the country approve?
If: Registered German Langkuo Co., Ltd. The business scope is: production and sales of Langkuo brand water purifiers and air purifiers, plastic pipes, daily necessities, and nutritious food.
Answer: According to my experience, there are several types.
-Germany authorizes China to use the brand.
-Germany authorizes Chinese OEM.
-Germany invests in Chinese companies in the form of a Sino-German joint venture. Make this brand more convincing. This can be a later step.
There is no risk in Germany.
1) This company was established in China: German Langko (China) Co., Ltd. The place of registration is in Shanghai or Hangzhou. Can it be produced and sold on the mainland at the same time? or can it only be sold but not produced? What are the legal procedures to be done on the mainland? What does it have to do with German company relations? Is it possible to authorize a German company? , What are the relations and obligations of German tax and law? Whether it is possible to rent factories in the mainland to engage in production and sales, is China's tax relationship enforced in accordance with Chinese tax laws? Is the legal person in the company a German company? Do you need to register capital in China? How to rationalize the source of funds? How to deal with the annual inspection of German companies? Can a German registered trademark authorize a Chinese company to use it?

Answer: This is the third point I mentioned above. It is to invest in Chinese companies with German company funds to form a Sino-German joint venture. relationship? It depends on the shareholding ratio. If it is a subsidiary of a German company in China, it is also an independent operation. If it is not a subsidiary relationship, it is a cooperative relationship. It also operates independently.

2) A joint venture between German Langko Co., Ltd. and a Chinese company or natural legal person: Sino-German joint venture Ningbo Langko Purification Equipment Co., Ltd., or Langko China (Ningbo) Purification Equipment Co., Ltd., or German Langko (China) Co., Ltd. German companies invest 5%-10%, and I invest 90%-95%. The registered capital is USD 500,000. Is this possible? Are there any special requirements or precautions for registered capital, the shareholding ratio of German companies, and the payment of registered capital? How to do it? After the establishment of this joint venture, are all tax laws, company laws, etc. applicable to Chinese laws? What if the joint venture company makes money or loses money after the establishment of the joint venture? Will German companies withdraw their shares in the future in accordance with Chinese law? Can't I make a Sino-German joint venture after I quit?

Answer: Germany has to invest between US$25,000 and US$50,000 to US$500,000. First, there must be so much money in the German account.

To be continue.......

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