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Real estate loans: how to finance your dream house

Buying a property: this must be considered before buying
Single-family house or convenient urban apartment in a big city? This decision requires careful consideration. Before buying your dream property, there are some points to consider.

Because there are often hidden costs or unpleasant surprises behind the exterior walls of the so-called perfect homes, many real estate agents know how to package them cleverly. Therefore, it is important not to let the real estate agent take the rhythm and check the important criteria before signing the contract:

The general condition of the property: windows, insulation, electrical, etc.
Property location: transportation network, shop, school
Need modernization or renovation measures?
Is there an energy certificate?
Is there a building conversion permit?
Have you secured a mortgage?
You should take the last point on the list seriously, lest the dream of owning a house ends suddenly.

Real estate loans: how to finance your dream house

The coveted fixed assets are rarely available at once. In most cases, financing is done through an appropriate real estate loan, which connects the buyer with the bank for many years. After all, financial institutions will not lend more money without proper collateral. In addition to basic creditworthiness, many banks only approve loan applications if the applicant has purchased life insurance. The lower the bank's risk, the greater the chance of obtaining a good loan.

Secure credit: enjoy the home of your dreams

Purchasing risk life insurance can not only provide protection for loans provided by banks but also an option. It can also provide financial protection for your family or partner in unforeseen events such as accidents or fatal diseases. In particular, it is strongly recommended that (young) families and couples with main or even sole income purchase life insurance. This is the only way to adequately help survivors in the event of a death, and-in the worst case-to prevent property from being enforced.

The principle of life insurance is simply explained as: if one of the borrowers dies, the survivor shall be paid the insurance amount in the contract. In order to fully guarantee your loan, you can naturally adjust the insurance amount to the total loan amount.

With risk insurance, your dream of owning a house will not be hindered in any way, and you can rest assured.

If the above information is helpful to you, if you need professional assistance to buy a house, please contact us...EUTRACON German professional real estate lawyer team can provide 360 services for your needs.

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