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The necessity of registering German trademark

      1. Expand the overseas market, China's largest overseas trade market, the earlier it expands, the greater the benefit it will get;
      2. Registered trademarks in Germany can not only be protected by the country, but also provide investors with a broader strategic market for international brands.
      3. Protect the free brand, prevent the brand from being maliciously embezzled or preempted by competitors, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests;
      4. The necessary tickets for entering overseas e-commerce, Amazon, sumitong, eBay and wish;
      5. Packaging domestic brands and domestic use of foreign trademarks to enhance brand premium, image and competitiveness.
      German trademark registration process: preparation of application materials → submission of application → acceptance receipt (1 month) → substantive examination (6-9 months) → announcement period (3 months) → authorization notice → obtaining certificate

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