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Why are German immigrants popular

Why German immigrants are popular:
1、 Price level
Germany is the locomotive of European economy, and its economic strength is beyond doubt. However, a strong economy does not mean high consumption. The price level of Germany only ranks 13th in Europe.
There are 12400 nursing homes in Germany, of which 54% are run by charitable organizations, 40% are private nursing homes, and the rest are public nursing homes. The German not only created the economic and industrial myth with rigorous and meticulous thinking mode, but also established a relatively perfect old-age security system in just a few decades through their own outstanding wisdom, so that the elderly in their own country can be provided for.
2、 Special food
Pork elbow, sausage, sauerkraut, baked potato, hamburger, cake, beer, bread, etc. Food safety Germany strictly controls food safety. The origin of every food can be traced, ranking fifth in the global food safety ranking.
3、 Welfare treatment
1) Job security benefits
Wages are only increased but not reduced; the government will pay back the wages owed by enterprises first; the enterprises will pay for the work-related accidents; it is forbidden to go to work on rest days; it is forbidden to work on 187 days and 178 days off; there are subsidies for the separation of husband and wife; high quality vocational training; and generous social security guarantee the life after unemployment.
2) Reproductive welfare
Women of childbearing age enjoy legal protection during pregnancy and postpartum child rearing and will not be dismissed;
Both husband and wife can enjoy the child care leave for up to 3 years, and can receive 67% of the original salary;
The examination fee, operation fee, medical fee and recuperation fee of pregnant women before and after delivery are borne by insurance;
The government will give pregnant women the nutrition they need to give birth.
4、 Pension benefits
After the age of 65, the minimum monthly pension is 750 euro / month.
After paying social security for five consecutive years, one third of the standard pension can be enjoyed after reaching the retirement age (male 65, female 60), that is, more than 10000 euro per year;
If you pay for 15 years continuously, you can enjoy the standard pension. After reaching the retirement age, you can receive more than 30000 euros per year (calculated according to 50000 annual salary)
As long as you pay more than one year's social security, you can get the minimum living allowance, which is about 900 euro per month.

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